Saturday, September 23, 2006

How to Overcome Procrastination and Achieve The Success & Wealth You Want

How to Overcome Procrastination and Achieve The Success & Wealth You Want by Philippe Bon

Procrastination stops people from becoming successful and wealthy. Procrastination stifles your personal and financial development.

There are a lot of people who dream of being wealthy and successful; but most people do not follow through on their dreams simply because of laziness and procrastinating. Procrastination is very common, yet it can be easily eradicated.

Do you procrastinate and avoid doing the things that can actually help you become successful and wealthy? Do you keep on putting off money-making projects or business ideas? Can you imagine the opportunities for creating wealth which you may be missing by procrastinating?

Everyone battles with procrastination at some stage. In order to overcome procrastination, you need to know exactly what level of wealth you want to achieve, and stay on course with your goals. By keeping your mind focused on the goals you want to achieve and the benefits you will enjoy after you have achieved these goals, you can overcome procrastination and you will keep on working towards your goals. If you are thinking about starting a business, what amount of wealth will this business potentially give you? By focusing on the wealth you will get, you can easily overcome procrastinating.

So, what are the various ways through which you can beat procrastination and achieve the success and wealth you want?

1. Keep your 'big picture' goals in mind. Stay focused on what you want to achieve. Visualize your completed goals and targets at all times, and believe that these goals are going to happen; that you are going to get the success and wealth you want.

2. Make a commitment to do the things you have been avoiding doing. Be as realistic as you can and schedule your 'to do' activities in your diary, and start working on them today.

3. Review your goals, and ensure that they are realistic and achievable. If they are not realistic, you will probably postpone taking action. Make sure your goals are broken down into small and manageable bits by dividing large projects into 'mini projects'. By reviewing your progress towards your goals, you can see how far you have come, which will motivate you to keep on working hard, or help you redefine the goals if necessary.

4. Prioritize your daily activities in order for you have enough time to do the tasks that you have to do to achieve your goals. Eliminate time-wasting and non-productive activities. It is also important that you take on the hardest parts of your project first and other subsequent tasks will be much easier.

5. Be ready for some challenges. You will come across some obstacles, and if you start thinking your way around potential hurdles, then you will not have any reason to procrastinate and you will continue moving ahead with your project.

6. Have a contingency plan by listing what could go wrong; and develop ways of managing these potential setbacks. When or if they do happen, then you already know how to get around them without falling into the procrastinating trap.

7. Reward yourself when you have achieved a certain milestone. This will keep you motivated and encourage you to keep on working on your goals of becoming wealthy.

It is very easy to overcome procrastination. Just get on with it and do what you have to do to become successful and wealthy. Procrastination can keep you away from achieving your goals, and all you need to do is to follow the various ways presented above in order for you to stop procrastinating and achieve your goals and become successful and wealthy.

Eliminate Procrastination Now - Here's How! Discover the guaranteed methods that will immediately eliminate procrastination from your life.

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